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7 Ways Your Birth Partner Can Support You

Show Notes:

[1:37] Your birth partner plays a pretty crucial role when it comes to your pregnancy and birth. Obviously, they helped you get there. They definitely need to be a part of the process. There's nothing that's going to bring you guys closer than the process of being pregnant and giving birth together.

[3:15] #1. Be an active participant all the way! Once you start learning, you're actually going to be getting excited about the information. Dads need to understand the process just as well as moms because at a point during her labor, she might not be able to verbalize the things that she needs to be done during the process.Dad should know very well, what she desires, but also know her so that you feel comfortable and stand as that rock advocating for her. Dads need to understand how the body works, what tests are coming up, how to speak with providers, what questions you bring, etc. 

You have to tell your birth partner your birth preferences, and he has to...

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Birth Story: Working through Tough Decisions and All the Outcomes with Confidence with Whitni Synakiewicz

Show Notes:

[1:30] Our Reviewer of the Week, Amelia R. P., said: "My baby is eight months now she is beautiful thriving and wonderful!! Had a water birth can’t recommend them enough!! We had to deal with a tongue tie but as soon as that was cared for my baby was nursing well!!! Please try to get a dentist on who does those procedures it makes the biggest difference in the world!!!!!"

[2:20] Our guest is a MEB student and mama, Whitni, who jokes that if she could do pregnancy as a full time as a job, she would! She adored her pregnancy. She now has a sweet, almost one year old baby boy named, Hudson. At the time this episode was recorded, Whitni was 20 weeks pregnant with her second baby boy. She lives in the panhandle of Florida. 

[3:41] Whitni shares about her pregnancy experience. She had regular cycles and knew the day after her missed period that she was pregnant. Since they had just moved, she Googled a provider and went...

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Breech Births: What Are Your Options and What Are the Risks with Rixa Freeze, PhD

Show Notes:

[1:40] Our Reviewer of the Week, caroline0523, said: "Best Birth Podcast! I am obsessed with this podcast! During my pregnancy I listened to every episode and I felt so much more educated on birth and prepared for it. Would recommend to any pregnant mom!"

[1:59] Our guest this week is Dr. Rixa Freeze, she has a PhD in American Studies from the University of Iowa. Her doctoral studies focused on the history of healthcare and medicine with specialization in pregnancy, childbirth, and maternity care. Her dissertation examined why women in North America choose unassisted home births. Her current research interests include human rights in childbirth, autonomy and informed consent, and vaginal breech birth. She recently published the article “Breech Birth at Home: Outcomes of 60 Breech and 109 Cephalic Planned Home and Birth Center Births” with BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth. Dr. Freeze is the founder and president of Breech Without Borders, a...

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What to Expect When You're Having Twins with Natalie Diaz of Twiniversity

multiple pregnancy twins Jul 02, 2024

Show Notes:

[1:33] Our Reviewer of the Week, HeidiAbhy, said "I can’t recommend enough!!! Binge listener here! Third time mom prepping for my natural birth (March/April due window!) after my first two births didn’t quite go as expected. I love the unbiased and extremely informative conversations, and have been going back to listen to all the labor prep episodes as baby time nears! I especially like the early episode about what to do when you’re sick of being pregnant…haha! Thanks for all you do."

[2:13] Our guest is Natalie Diaz, founder of Twiniversity, the world’s leading resource and support network for multiple birth families! She is the Pied Piper of twin families around the globe. Nat’s become a global influencer for this small niche community. Natalie is the world’s #1 twin parenting and twin gear expert, serving as a twin consultant for top brands and worldwide recognized foundations. Natalie is also a...

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Our Best Advice on Navigating and Setting Boundaries with Loved Ones & How to Handle Postpartum Expectations

Show Notes:

[1:19] Our Reviewer of the Week, c-gerber, said "I found your podcast half way through my first pregnancy, and ended up buying your course soon after I listened to many of the birthing stories. I ended up having my first born daughter after only 7 hours of labour with no pain medication! It was an intense but amazing experience that I was able to have control of the whole situation. This course helped me take control of my first birth and allowed me to go into my labour confidently. My doctor was blown away at how fast I had my first child and my nurse was also amazed! I told them about this course I took and my nurse wanted to know what it was called so she could tell other woman about it after witnessing my birth!!!"

[2:25] This week, we're switching it up a bit and talking about postpartum boundaries. Postpartum is really a time for mom to be healing, for that bonding to happen between mom, baby, and birth partner. It's kind of this like sacred space and time,...

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Top 10 Pregnancy Complaints and Practical Remedies to Cope with the Not So Fun Side of Pregnancy

Show Notes:

[1:33] Our Reviewer of the Week, Kar.Barr, says: "I am very thankful for this podcast. The content helped my husband and I feel confident and empowered about the birth of our first child. I ended up having a very quick labour and birthed our baby boy in the back of the truck on the way to the hospital into my husband’s arms. We know the learnings from this podcast helped us feel calm and in control. I was able to have an amazing unmedicated birth, and I recommend this podcast to anyone wanting to feel knowledgeable and relaxed about birth."

[3:01] We're going to talk about things that we are hearing from you guys all the time through Instagram messages, Facebook messages, and emails that we get. These are the most common complaints that we are seeing, and I think they stay pretty constant over time. So take notes!

[3:49] #1: Morning Sickness. If you've been pregnant and you've experienced it, you know it can happen at any time not just in the morning....

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Make Calm, Confident, and Competent Decisions about Your Child’s Health with Dr. Elana Roumell of Doctor Mom

Show Notes:

[1:47] Our Reviewer of the Week, Kirstellison, "I just had my third baby a few months ago, and I wish I would have known about this class and podcast for my other two. I never felt more prepared going into birth and even though things didn’t go exactly how I wanted, I was well informed and able to make decisions for my self and able to have a natural birth in a hospital. This podcast has been so great but the class goes into so much more detail and I highly recommend taking it if you haven’t already! I can’t thank you guys enough."

[2:36] Our guest is Dr. Elana Roumell, a Pediatric Naturopathic Doctor and mother of 3, with a mission to teach moms how to safely be a “Doctor Mom!” She loves to teach moms how to transform their fear, panic, and overwhelm when their child gets sick into feeling calm, competent, confident, and well-equipped with the right tools to prevent illness and treat it wisely! She is also the co-host of the...

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Birth Story: On Giving Birth Where You Feel Peace with Martha Henon

Show Notes:

[2:14] Our Reviewer of the Week, Cakes3054, "I am 35 weeks pregnant and just discovered this podcast last week. OMG I have been binge listening and have learned so much already. You ladies are amazing and I’m really hoping to get the birth I have envisioned this time around with my second. Thank you so much for all the information and all the tools you are providing to achieve our birth related goals!"

[3:01] Our guest today is Martha Henon, a mom of 2 and both of her birth experiences were at home! She is from Kentucky and a yoga instructor!

[3:46] Martha talks about the differences between her two pregnancies. She didn't find out the gender for either. 

  • 1st Birth (Daughter Cora): no morning sickness; one provider; inflatable tub; cervical lip; GBS+
  • 2nd Birth (Son): morning sickness; midwife; no tub

 [7:46] Stephanie asks Martha why she decided to do a home birth even when no one in her life had done one before. Martha said she's always been...

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How Yoga, Breathwork, and Mindset Can Make All the Difference in Your Pregnancy & Birth with Brett Larkin

Show Notes:

[2:51] Our Reviewer of the Week, ladyabbs, said: "Your very last podcast was made for me (212)! My fiancé and I want children very soon after we get married, I know exactly the kind of birth that I want, he’s hesitant because he’s worried something will happen outside of a hospital. I'm definitely strapping him to a chair to make him listen to all your episodes, haha!"

[3:35] Our guest this week is Brett Larkin, the founder of Uplifted Yoga® and the author of Yoga Life: Habits, Poses, and Breathwork to Channel Joy Amidst the Chaos. Her Online Yoga Teacher Trainings have set the standard for quality online certification since 2015 and matriculated thousands of yoga teachers. Brett’s award-winning YouTube channel with over half a million subscribers and Uplifted Yoga Podcast empower you to actively design your life using yoga’s ancient wisdom. She has two boys under age six. She had two very different birth...

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Birth Story: An Unmedicated Home Birth after Miscarriage with Luisa Gates

Show Notes:

[2:00] Our Reviewer of the Week is Canadiandoctormom, who says, "Thank you for the great knowledge and support! I am a family Md/OB in Canada and currently pregnant with my 3rd. Though my knowledge base from my work is obviously more than a lot of people, the personal experience is always so different! My two babies to date have been born without complications and with the help of hypnobirthing unmedicated, and I love that there is a place I can listen to positive birth stories and direct my patients if they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed or not heard! I love listening and appreciate how you give evidence based, non biased opinions. I’ve already used some of your suggestions for the exercises, essential oils, etc. Now to work on having my husband listen along as well!"

[3:49] Our birth story is from Luisa Gates who lives in Eagle Mountain, Utah with her husband and baby. 

[5:16] Luisa shares about her past pregnancy experience, which ended in...

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