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Birth Story: An Unmedicated Home Birth after Miscarriage with Luisa Gates

Show Notes:

[2:00] Our Reviewer of the Week is Canadiandoctormom, who says, "Thank you for the great knowledge and support! I am a family Md/OB in Canada and currently pregnant with my 3rd. Though my knowledge base from my work is obviously more than a lot of people, the personal experience is always so different! My two babies to date have been born without complications and with the help of hypnobirthing unmedicated, and I love that there is a place I can listen to positive birth stories and direct my patients if they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed or not heard! I love listening and appreciate how you give evidence based, non biased opinions. I’ve already used some of your suggestions for the exercises, essential oils, etc. Now to work on having my husband listen along as well!"

[3:49] Our birth story is from Luisa Gates who lives in Eagle Mountain, Utah with her husband and baby. 

[5:16] Luisa shares about her past pregnancy experience, which ended in...

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Birth Story: When Pregnancy & Birth Don't Go According to "Plan" with Jake & Danielle Winter

Show Notes:

[2:08] Our Reviewer of the Week is aculls334, and she said "When I first became pregnant, labor seemed scary, intimidating, and there was so much I didn’t know. After stumbling upon this podcast, I feel confident in my knowledge and in my body! I have learned SO much and I love the approach they take of explaining pros and cons to many different aspects of birth. There are episodes on topics for just about anything pregnancy and delivery related, so I am always finding something new that sparks my interest. I am 27 weeks pregnant and hoping for an unmedicated hospital birth. This podcast has actually got me EXCITED to give birth and I am so grateful to have found it!!!" Thank you so much for your review!

[3:43] - Jake & Danielle Winter are parents to three IVF (in vitro fertilization) babies, a four-year old girl and almost two year old boys. They live in Southern California, and Danielle is part of the My Essential Birth Team. ‍

[4:51] Danielle...

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Announcing Your Pregnancy, Baby Gender, and Birth


If you're planning on announcing any of the milestones that come with expecting a baby, we're going to take you through the basics of the best times to announce each, different ways to do it, and how to handle any of the  "Karens" that may unintentionally ruin these special moments.


When's the best time to tell the world you're pregnant?

Whenever you want to. :) Ok ok, we promise to give you more insight than that. Most women wait until sometime after the 10-week ultrasound. The typical range is 10-20 weeks.

From Cortney's perspective: "I preferred to tell my immediate family right away. Husband first, then our parents & my closest siblings. Our first two pregnancies were miscarriages and while some women choose to endure that trial privately, I was incredibly grateful for the prayers and support of those closest to us during that time. It's bad enough to have a miscarriage and to us, it would have been even worse to...

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Mamas with Infertility, Listen Up: Part 2

We know how many women are deeply affected by infertility. We (Cortney & Stephanie) have both dealt with infertility at different stages in our lives, we believe it's important to talk about it openly. If this is the road you are walking as well, you need to know you are not alone! Sometimes there are things we can do on our own to support fertility and sometimes we need to reach out for some extra help. No matter where you are in your journey, we support you and hope you will find comfort, hope, and perhaps even some helpful tidbits of information!
[1:13] Other options for infertility
[1:22] IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) or IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization)
[4:07] Cortney's experience with ectopic pregnancy and repeated miscarriages
[7:58] The power of intuition
[12:05] Infertility is hard when it's not the path that YOU want, no matter how many babies you have or which pregnancy this is.
[12:37] The emotional side of infertility
[15:31] Ways to support each other...
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Mamas with Infertility, Listen Up: Part 1

We know how many women are deeply affected by infertility. We (Cortney & Stephanie) have both dealt with infertility at different stages in our lives, we believe it's important to talk about it openly. If this is the road you are walking as well, you need to know you are not alone! Sometimes there are things we can do on our own to support fertility and sometimes we need to reach out for some extra help. No matter where you are in your journey, we support you and hope you will find comfort, hope, and perhaps even some helpful tidbits of information!
[1:53] What is infertility?
[2:09] Stephanie shares about her infertility journey
[4:32] Michelle Obama's interview
[5:05] Infertility by the stats
[7:08] Ovulation and infertility
[7:54] Cortney shares about how progesterone was needed to sustain her pregnancy
[8:16] How to figure out if something is off with your ovulation
[13:24] Ovulation disorders
[13:40] PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
[15:42] Older mamas...
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