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Make Calm, Confident, and Competent Decisions about Your Child’s Health with Dr. Elana Roumell of Doctor Mom

Show Notes:

[1:47] Our Reviewer of the Week, Kirstellison, "I just had my third baby a few months ago, and I wish I would have known about this class and podcast for my other two. I never felt more prepared going into birth and even though things didn’t go exactly how I wanted, I was well informed and able to make decisions for my self and able to have a natural birth in a hospital. This podcast has been so great but the class goes into so much more detail and I highly recommend taking it if you haven’t already! I can’t thank you guys enough."

[2:36] Our guest is Dr. Elana Roumell, a Pediatric Naturopathic Doctor and mother of 3, with a mission to teach moms how to safely be a “Doctor Mom!” She loves to teach moms how to transform their fear, panic, and overwhelm when their child gets sick into feeling calm, competent, confident, and well-equipped with the right tools to prevent illness and treat it wisely! She is also the co-host of the...

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Top 12 Q&A's about Birth and Labor from Mamas Like You

Show Notes:

[1:25] Our Reviewer of the week, Charlield13, said, "I absolutely love this podcast! I listened to it throughout my entire pregnancy and it brought me knowledge and reassurance, which allowed me to have the most amazing all natural birth!"

This week's episode is going to be straight from you guys back to you guys. All of your questions will be answered right here on the podcast. We have grabbed all of the questions that we feel like we're getting the most or that we think will be the most benefit to our listeners, and we've put them all on a podcast with me answering you directly!

[3:16] Question #1: Should you let your provider break your water? The pros could be you break the bag of waters, and that does stimulate contractions. Whether or not you've had the Pitocin, or you've had the Foley bulb, or the other medication that helps to ripen the cervix. Let's say, that it gets things going and contractions start naturally, and you don't need Pitocin, or if you...

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Not Asking for Permission & Preparing for Her Unmedicated Birth: Jo Gibson's Birth Story

 Show Notes:

[1:11] Our review of the week, sls610, said: “First podcast I listened to while pregnant! I LOVE this podcast! I’ve been listening to it for about 2 months since finding out I was pregnant, and it’s been so helpful in teaching me all the different things to think about for labor and delivery. I started from the beginning and hope to listen to all the episodes before I’m due in June! Stephanie’s ethos for birth is so similar to how I’m thinking about it (holistic combined with western medicine practices) so I feel right at home with this podcast. I even signed up for the My Essential Birth course, and my husband and I are starting tonight! So excited!! Thank you for all the helpful info!”

Thank you for this review and jumping into the course! I love hearing when you guys tell me you started listening to the very beginning episodes! We’re almost 200 episodes in! You’re doing the work and having incredible birth...

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Where to Find a Provider + Top 10 Questions to Ask

Show Notes:

[1:12] Our reviewer of the week is Leannachaves2, and she says: “Hi! Not sure what my username is on here, but my name is Leanna. I’m 20 years old and currently 16 weeks pregnant with my very first baby, and I’ve been listening to this podcast since I was 4 weeks pregnant! I’m a researcher. I won’t even take a medication until I’ve researched class, possible side effects, and interactions. This podcast has been such a good resource for me to jump off of, because the second I found out I was pregnant, I KNEW I had to find accurate and reliable sources about pregnancy and childbirth. Originally, I was hoping to specialize in pediatrics, but this podcast has made me want to change and specialize in obstetrics. I’m 100% feminist, and I want to give women a voice and the access to giving informed consent because there is so much misinformation out there. Thank you for everything that you do, and the countless hours that must go into...

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The VBAC Link: Making Birth Better after Cesarean with Meagan Heaton

Show Notes:

[1:12] Our reviewer of the week, ygbsbjx, says: “I’m in my third trimester and was very determined to not study up too much about giving birth just to preserve the mystery and romance and natural process of it. Then I stumbled upon this podcast, and now I can’t help but listen to every episode and am taking the online birth course. I can’t believe all of the information I have learned and now I have SOOOOO many questions for my next prenatal appointment. I also feel empowered that although I won’t be having a home birth (due to my husband's concerns), I know enough now to advocate for myself in the hospital to have the best birth I can try to have! I had no idea how many options, choices and decisions there are to be made that no one even talks to you about! Thank you!

 Here’s my advice for the not having a home birth statement really quick! 1.) Have your husband listen to the podcast! 2.) Schedule an appointment with a midwife...

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