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Top 10 Pregnancy Complaints and Practical Remedies to Cope with the Not So Fun Side of Pregnancy

Show Notes:

[1:33] Our Reviewer of the Week, Kar.Barr, says: "I am very thankful for this podcast. The content helped my husband and I feel confident and empowered about the birth of our first child. I ended up having a very quick labour and birthed our baby boy in the back of the truck on the way to the hospital into my husband’s arms. We know the learnings from this podcast helped us feel calm and in control. I was able to have an amazing unmedicated birth, and I recommend this podcast to anyone wanting to feel knowledgeable and relaxed about birth."

[3:01] We're going to talk about things that we are hearing from you guys all the time through Instagram messages, Facebook messages, and emails that we get. These are the most common complaints that we are seeing, and I think they stay pretty constant over time. So take notes!

[3:49] #1: Morning Sickness. If you've been pregnant and you've experienced it, you know it can happen at any time not just in the morning....

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Top 12 Q&A's about Birth and Labor from Mamas Like You

Show Notes:

[1:25] Our Reviewer of the week, Charlield13, said, "I absolutely love this podcast! I listened to it throughout my entire pregnancy and it brought me knowledge and reassurance, which allowed me to have the most amazing all natural birth!"

This week's episode is going to be straight from you guys back to you guys. All of your questions will be answered right here on the podcast. We have grabbed all of the questions that we feel like we're getting the most or that we think will be the most benefit to our listeners, and we've put them all on a podcast with me answering you directly!

[3:16] Question #1: Should you let your provider break your water? The pros could be you break the bag of waters, and that does stimulate contractions. Whether or not you've had the Pitocin, or you've had the Foley bulb, or the other medication that helps to ripen the cervix. Let's say, that it gets things going and contractions start naturally, and you don't need Pitocin, or if you...

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Getting Your Body Ready for Pregnancy & Tracking Ovulation

Show Notes:

[2:10] Our Reviewer of the Week, courtmess412, said "I went through and hit “play next” on all the episodes I didn’t want to miss at 38 weeks pregnant (when I realized the books I picked out were never going to get read). I had to be induced but had the confidence to ask for the least [amount of] interventions (so my waters were broken instead of Pitocin given right away). I advocated to walk around and get in the tub and ended up delivering baby without medication (and not even realizing I was about to do it ). This podcast gave me the confidence to believe in myself! Thank you!!!"

Quick Tip If you've purchased the My Essential Birth Course and haven't had a chance to start yet, just listen to it like it's a podcast! You can go back and watch the videos to tie all the information together. Listen and re-listen to get the information and understand. It gives you that confidence and will make you more empowered. You're going to understand...

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What Are The Most Common Questions A Pregnant Mama Will Ask Herself? {REBROADCAST}

Show Notes:

When it comes to labor, we can feel overwhelmed and unsure about what our bodies are doing to prepare for bringing our baby earth-side. I’m going to answer the most common questions about contractions, fluids, and when it’s time to head to your birth place. 

[1:12] It’s been a WHIRLWIND, y’all! We have moved across the country from Utah to Florida this past week! We’re excited for our new home and the potential that this new place holds for us! 

[2:45] This week’s episode was prompted by a question that we received in the private My Essential Birth Facebook group! ( Commercial Break: You can get access to this group by joining the My Essential Birth course!)

[3:05] Our reviewer of the week is Sarah Travaille, and she said, “I started listening to this podcast when I was 8 weeks pregnant (I am now 34 weeks), and it has been my saving grace. The knowledge I have gained from listening has been invaluable. I feel beyond...

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Did My Water Just Break? And Other Common Questions As You Approach Your Due Date!

Show Notes:

When it comes to labor, we can feel overwhelmed and unsure about what our bodies are doing to prepare for bringing our baby earth-side. I’m going to answer the most common questions about contractions, fluids, and when it’s time to head to your birth place. 

[1:12] It’s been a WHIRLWIND, y’all! We have moved across the country from Utah to Florida this past week! We’re excited for our new home and the potential that this new place holds for us! 

[2:45] This week’s episode was prompted by a question that we received in the private My Essential Birth Facebook group! ( Commercial Break: You can get access to this group by joining the My Essential Birth course!)

[3:05] Our reviewer of the week is Sarah Travaille, and she said, “I started listening to this podcast when I was 8 weeks pregnant (I am now 34 weeks), and it has been my saving grace. The knowledge I have gained from listening has been invaluable. I feel beyond...

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Birth Story: Unmedicated, Hospital Birth with Sally Steffy

Sally shares her unmedicated, hospital birth experience despite dealing with family loss the same week she went into labor. She talks about the goodness of God and how her experience of giving birth has brought her and her husband closer than ever before. We also talk about a few small things to have with you during labor that will help you keep your energy up, keep you hydrated, and distract you from the pain of contractions. I hope this episode speaks to your heart the way it spoke to mine!

Show Notes:

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week is KylieDilulo, and she says, “Best birthing preparation podcast! This is hands down my favorite birthing podcast!” She recently gave birth to a 9 lb 4 oz boy in a birthing center. She credits her "absolutely perfect and amazing in every way" birth to all of her preparation and the My Essential Birth podcast. She knew she always wanted an unmedicated birth, and this podcast gave her the tools and knowledge to...

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Pregnant Over 35 and Loving It with Jessica Estrada

Show Notes:

[1:10] Reviewer of the week is BethanyEdge310 says, “Just what I wanted to find!” She found the My Essential Birth podcast by listening to a pregnancy and fitness episode while working out because she felt morning sickness! She laughed when Stephanie said exercise would help with morning sickness because it definitely helped her!

I talk with Jessica Estrada, a first time mama at the age of 43, about her pregnancy experience. She shares her story, struggles, and what she wants other mamas who are pregnant over age 35 to know. Jessica discusses things like how family and friends have not had the easiest time with her decisions and how she's dealt with that, how her fiancé  feels about her birth choices, and how she's maintained a strong, positive attitude throughout.

You're going to love listening to her light and enthusiasm about trusting your body and the process of birth. If you are pregnant and over 35 this is for you AND every pregnant mama...

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Induction Without an Epidural

 This week we're breaking down everything you need to know to prepare yourself physically and mentally for an induction without an epidural. I cannot stress the importance of going into labor with the mindset of possibly having an induction and preparing yourself for that outcome. I'll also discuss all things Pitocin: what it is, what it does, and how it can affect you, your baby, and labor. By getting your body and mind ready before you even go into labor, you can achieve an unmedicated birth despite being induced.

Show Notes:

[1:16] Our reviewer of the week, iheartdonuts, started listening to the podcast to prepare for her "dream birth." She wanted to be as informed as possible and be prepared to advocate for herself and her daughter. She said, "The evidence based info is exactly what you need to dig deeper and do even more research for yourself and your baby. It'll make you feel more prepared for whatever comes your way in your birth story."


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Birth Story: Madison Mackley's Unmedicated, Birth Center Birth

Madison shares how her birth goals changed over time and a red flag that caused her to change service providers for the better. Madison also discusses the moment she found the perfect birth center for her and what led her to that decision. Madison shares the preparation she did regularly for an empowered birth. She shares the spiritual side of her birth story and how she surrendered her body after a long and exhausting labor. Her story is beautiful and inspiring...and even full of some challenges, especially postpartum, so take a listen! I hope you enjoy this week's episode!

Show Notes:

[1:16] Reviewer of the week, SydneyAdairG, shares that she is 22 weeks pregnant and has been listening to the podcast "Every Step of the Way" since she found out she was pregnant. The podcast has helped her feel informed and in control of the process. She says she's also enrolled in the birth course and cannot wait to dig deeper into...

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Pregnant? Focus On These Two Things With Holly Roser

There are two things that stand out when it comes to how to take care of ourselves prenatally; nutrition & exercise. Mind-blowing right?! Nope...but doing some simple things while you are pregnant will help you feel better and stay in control of your pregnancy and birth decisions. Today I'm speaking with Holly Roser who is a personal trainer and specifically deals with pregnant women. She gives really practical tips and tricks about how to eat during pregnancy, snacks that are easy and good for you, what should be included in your nutrition while you're pregnant, and the very best exercises for every mom during pregnancy. 

Holly is also giving away her entire 6 Week Skinny Jean Program to ONE lucky listener. Leave a podcast review to be entered *details below. 

Holly Roser is the owner of a women’s personal training studio in San Francisco. She helps busy women across the country get results in half the time. Holly and her team of trainers provide...

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