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Click on the blog post {aka Show Notes} for any podcast below and the links are at the bottom! Enjoy!

Birth Story: The Strength of Surrender & Navigating the Unexpected with Elizabeth McCravy

Show Notes:

00:00 - Episode preview 

00:48 - Intro 

01:49 - About Elizabeth 

03:39 - Elizabeth's first birth story 

07:54 - Conceiving 

09:48 - Desires for pregnancy #2 

15:30 - What it felt like to be pregnant a second time 

17:30 - Things that came up during pregnancy 

21:40 - Elizabeth's birth team 

24:25 - Knowing your doula vs not knowing 

25:54 - Pregnancy prep 

31:30 - Birth story 

34:08 - When did Elizabeth know for certain it was time? 

38:17 - Contraction to birth 

"I feel like I can understand a little bit of women who say contractions are not necessarily painful because it is about how you approach it. This contraction cannot be stronger than me because it is me."

42:12 - When did Elizabeth decide to go into the hospital? 

48:46 - Back labor and her doula 

56:16 - How close were her contractions before her epidural? 

58:06 - After her epidural 

66:11 - Previous pregnancy ...

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Thriving Physically and Mentally through Pregnancy & Postpartum with Amy Keifer of Expecting & Empowered

Show Notes:

1:04 - Intro

02:05 - Amy's background

07:11 - What does exercise do for us when we're pregnant?

16:04 - How Amy runs her program

18:39 - Strength training

24:12 - What should you do to prepare for labor in addition to exercise?

31:15 - Things to do that prepare your body for birth

35:03 - What to do about hemorrhoids

38:31 - How to tell if you're exercising the right amount or too much

42:06 - Stretching

44:17 - Where to find Amy and how to connect with her

To Leave a Review 

  1. Open Apple Podcasts
  2. Find “Pregnancy & Birth Made Easy” podcast
  3. Select “Ratings and Reviews”
  4. Click the stars!
  5. Select “Write a Review” and tell us what was the most amazing, comforting, eye-opening thing that you loved!

ALL the best,


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Top 12 Q&A's about Birth and Labor from Mamas Like You

Show Notes:

[1:25] Our Reviewer of the week, Charlield13, said, "I absolutely love this podcast! I listened to it throughout my entire pregnancy and it brought me knowledge and reassurance, which allowed me to have the most amazing all natural birth!"

This week's episode is going to be straight from you guys back to you guys. All of your questions will be answered right here on the podcast. We have grabbed all of the questions that we feel like we're getting the most or that we think will be the most benefit to our listeners, and we've put them all on a podcast with me answering you directly!

[3:16] Question #1: Should you let your provider break your water? The pros could be you break the bag of waters, and that does stimulate contractions. Whether or not you've had the Pitocin, or you've had the Foley bulb, or the other medication that helps to ripen the cervix. Let's say, that it gets things going and contractions start naturally, and you don't need Pitocin, or if you...

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The Episode Your Birth Partner NEEDS to Hear on How to Best Support You During Pregnancy, Labor, and Postpartum

Show Notes:

[1:42] Our Reviewer of the Week said, "I listened to this podcast during my entire first pregnancy. I loved the mix of birth stories, education, and practices. I felt empowered to advocate for myself and ask a lot of questions, which lead to confidence in my body and trust in my provider. I chose the epidural route and was satisfied with my experience bringing my son into the world. I just found out I am pregnant with baby #2 and started listening again. Stephanie feels like an old friend and I can’t wait to catch up with her! Honestly, I could go on and on about how this podcast has been a blessing and encouragement in my motherhood journey."

[3:59] This episode is for the dads! I think we have come a long way with how dads are involved with birth, especially now today. We know that research shows that women having their significant other with them during labor equals better outcomes, more comfort for mom, shorter labors, and just overall general better...

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Prepare for an Empowered, Informed, and Supported Birth with Grace Pastuck, Birth & Postpartum Doula

Show Notes:

[2:13] Our Reviewer of the Week is MurphyMLW: "So happy to have found this podcast! I found My Essential Birth at the end of my first trimester. We had hired a doula very early on and was so grateful to have the resources to be able to do so. However, being a military family I think My Essential Birth is awesome for anyone who may not have those resources readily available."

[3:57] Our guest, Grace, is a birth and postpartum doula in Canada. She became a doula about a year and a half ago. She supports families from home births to planned C-sections to epidurals. She does baby wearing education, childbirth education, and truly just found her passion!

[4:56] Grace got into doula work after hiring a doula for herself around 38 weeks pregnant. Her doula encouraged her to take some training and become a doula. She put herself out there and went from having one birth a month to being completely booked out!

[9:03] Grace's first birth experience was in a hospital...

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Getting Your Body Ready for Pregnancy & Tracking Ovulation

Show Notes:

[2:10] Our Reviewer of the Week, courtmess412, said "I went through and hit “play next” on all the episodes I didn’t want to miss at 38 weeks pregnant (when I realized the books I picked out were never going to get read). I had to be induced but had the confidence to ask for the least [amount of] interventions (so my waters were broken instead of Pitocin given right away). I advocated to walk around and get in the tub and ended up delivering baby without medication (and not even realizing I was about to do it ). This podcast gave me the confidence to believe in myself! Thank you!!!"

Quick Tip If you've purchased the My Essential Birth Course and haven't had a chance to start yet, just listen to it like it's a podcast! You can go back and watch the videos to tie all the information together. Listen and re-listen to get the information and understand. It gives you that confidence and will make you more empowered. You're going to understand...

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Preparing Her Body & Mind for her Redemptive Birth Story with Courtney Hart

Show Notes:

Sometimes a negative experience can be the catalyst we need to make a change in our lives. Courtney Hart talks about how her first birth experience changed her life, how she prepared her mind and body for her second birth, and how our podcast made all the difference!

[1:11] The Reviewer of the Week is Andrea.mn and she says, “I love listening to this. She has such a great soothing but energetic voice to listen to and I love all of her knowledge she shares, as well as the birth stories we get to hear! Thanks for what you do!”

Today’s episode is a birth story with one of our previous interviewees! We interviewed Courtney Hart: a Labor & Delivery nurse and certified breastfeeding counselor who works in the Labor Delivery Recovery Postpartum (LDRP) unit at the hospital.

[1:54] I have Courtney Hart reintroduce herself. She is a Labor & Delivery nurse and certified breastfeeding counselor. She has come back to share her positive birth story and...

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Pelvic Floor Therapy with Amanda Fisher & Marin Cole

 Show Notes:

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week is Courtney Clare, and she says: “I love this podcast so much, not only as a pregnant mama myself, but as a Registered Labor and Delivery Nurse! Stephanie does such a great job at covering ALL the relevant and important topics in digestible segments of information, and then turning that information into concrete resources and talking points for women to bring to their birth team. AND offers such a great balance of clinical and “crunchy.” Thank you for the work you do getting this essential information into the hands of moms everywhere!”

This week, I’m bringing even more evidence-based, excellent conversation today! Something we probably don’t spend enough time talking about is pelvic health during pregnancy and postpartum. If you’re anything like me, even with all of my study of birth, you may not even know that pelvic floor therapists are a thing. Well, lucky for you . . . that’s...

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Birth Bag Must-Haves

Feeling a little unsure of what to pack in your birth bag? Not to worry! We asked our mamas what items they think are essential, and we’ve made a free checklist for you to make packing so much easier!

[1:12] Our reviewer of the week is, AutumnFugate, says “I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with our first baby, I found your podcast on here about a month ago, and I have been binge listening ever since! I tear up with happy tears mostly every time [welcome to pregnancy, that’s me every time I’m pregnant, lol!] Instead of music in my car, I listen to an episode.” Autumn is planning on having an unmedicated, water birth at a birth center in September. “This podcast has truly given me so much confidence and understanding of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.” She is also starting the birth course this week, and she recommends this to all the mamas she knows!

 What a sweet review! We love to hear that you guys are binge listening! We hope...

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Interview with the Editors

Imagine training for a job but walking in on your first day and having no idea of what you were going to be asked to do! "Have you ever wondered what males really know about pregnancy and birth?"

The My Essential Birth Podcast began an intimate conversation between two childbirth educators and doulas. Since that first recording in an office after hours, things at My Essential Birth have grown. I now record in a studio with my incredible podcasting team Corbin, Trent, Dallon, and Savannah. With the exception of Savannah, my team is primarily male.

As you can imagine, they knew very little about pregnancy, the birthing process, and how women's bodies function! In this interview, my Rockstar editors will share the episodes that made them redefine the pregnancy journey, what it means to advocate for expectant moms, and the episodes that made them say -- "Wait, is THAT what happens during pregnancy?"

Sit back and prepare to laugh while gaining insight into how movies and media...

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