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How To: Provider Scenarios

Being knowledgeable about something inside of our heads doesn't always translate to a coherent and comfortable response to a provider. Don't stress though! We're going to walk you through some common pregnancy and birth scenarios with providers and help you find and form the response that's right for you!
[3:38] Labor rehearsals are your time to put what you are learning into practice and this is what good rehearsal looks like.
[8:21] The specific questions that make a difference for avoiding induction during COVID
[10:00] Pregnancy Scenario 1: Let's schedule that induction
[13:00] Pregnancy Scenario 2: Moving a due date in the third trimester
[16:20] Birth Scenario 1: In active labor and your well-meaning nurse says to your birth partner "we need to get her into the bed"
[17:57] Birth Scenario 2: Adding meds to the IV without formal consent, but more of a side note
[21:40] Birth Scenario 3: Your nurse picks up a low fetal heart rate.
[25:06] Want more scenarios? Join...
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Do THIS During Contractions

This is probably the #1 thing moms are curious about when that due date starts creeping closer and we are here to tell you that this episode will bring great relief for when you're face-to-face with those contractions! 
[2:54] You WILL feel contractions even if you plan to have an epidural.
[6:50] Knowing how you handle physical pain and emotional discomfort matters for how you will naturally find comfort and work through contractions.
[8:29] You do not have to be religious to connect to something spiritual during your birth experience.
[12:49] Hands-on support is wonderful, but it needs to be practiced and done right.
[15:57] "I've heard breathing like I'm panting is supposed to help me relaxed and stay focus. Is that true?" No. No, it's not.
[17:47] DOULA TIP!
[19:22] Sometimes distraction trumps visualization when it comes to working through contractions.
[25:11] Curious about more you can do to manage contractions during birth?
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Things They Don't Tell You: Newborn Edition


It's ok to wonder why your birth team feels like you're qualified to take your baby home and keep them alive! Newborns give us so many firsts and the truth is none of us know what we are doing. Spoiler alert: you're going to be great. In the meantime, let's go over all the things that make us laugh, cry, and push our mental stability to the limit...knowing we wouldn't trade any of it for the world!

[4:42] I don't want to call myself selfish, but...
[7:23] Is my baby breathing?
[8:53] Cortney shares her experience with having a smart mom and an incredible support system for her newborn and herself postpartum.
[12:07] Can you have enough pictures and videos of your baby? Maybe!
[16:00] Kids love to hear stories about themselves as they get older. If you have boys, they especially love the poop and toot stories!
[18:02] The umbilical cord lasts for a hot minute and comes with bonus surprises! Yay!
[22:45] Electricity and depression can actually be paired during nursing.
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Outdated Policies Hurting Your Birth

If you're unaware, there are policies from over 100 years ago still affecting your birth experience right now. The truth is that changes in policy, even when supported by evidence, take a long time to implement and can actually be hurting your birth. We cover the most common ones relevant to you today in this episode!
[3:54] Hospital birth is best for everyone - because it's cleaner and more sterile...right?!
[8:52] Can we please talk about being "overdue?"
[13:50] Don't eat and drink during birth!
[18:05] Time to dilate!
[21:18] Giving birth on your back just makes sense!
[23:43] VBAC is High-Risk - didn't you know?!
[26:11] Cut your perineum! It makes more space and you get some cool stitches too!
[31:52] Stop that flow of blood to baby immediately!
[35:15] Weigh and swaddle right away instead of skin-to-skin. It just makes sense.
[37:34] Ointment up those eyes and vaccinate that baby ASAP!
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Maybe Just DON'T

With all the love and adoration in the world for birth partners, we present the top 10 things you should definitely NOT be doing in the birth space. Plus, we're doing our best to make sure you don't get yourself punched during labor so you should be thanking us. Did we miss one?!
[3:46] Timing contractions, video chat, football scores, what are you really doing over there?
[5:32] What if mom has an epidural?
[6:48] Are you tired? Do your feet hurt? You poor thing!
[8:40] Overhearing birth videos mom is watching is not proper prep.
[10:03] Can you really understand how she feels?
[11:48] Monitors should not be used in place of watching mom.
[13:31] Are you sleeping? Where are you going? No, no, no.
[14:30] No stinking up the room!
[16:36] Are you ready for provider push-back when mom is deep into her zone?
[17:50] Relief comes by proper touch.
[19:06] Don't be scurred!
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Is It Real Labor?

As birth professionals, we get this question ALL the time and with our years of experience, we have some solid advice about when it's the real thing! We know just how exciting this time is, no matter which baby you're getting ready to meet and we promise you're not alone in your detective work to figure out when baby will make their big debut.
[2:21] What your body does when your approach birthing time (Braxton hicks, dropping, mucous plugs, all the fun stuff!)
[10:40] How do you really know when it's go-time?!
[16:18] How journaling can help labor begin.
[17:52] Concrete things to do to determine if this is real labor!
[21:10] Erratic contractions, not erotic...
[23:55] Put your knowledge to the test! What would you do in these situations?
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If you haven't subscribed to the podcast yet, you definitely should! We love breathing life into our mamas and don't want you to miss a thing. Plus we have some neat bonus episodes...
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Quarantined & Pregnant

Yes, we know that it sounds like a reality show and to be honest it 100% is! It's your reality and we wanted to take a minute, or 30, to chat about it. Listen until the end because we promise you'll end laughing.
[4:47] We know what it's like to be stuck at home with no one to talk to!
[6:36] Our NEW FB Community Group - "Quarantined & Pregnant with My Essential Birth"
[8:03] It's good and we recommend talking to people in your life about how you are doing and feeling because it matters!
[8:37] Healthy habits affect your physical and mental state
[12:22] Spiritual health matters
[14:40] It's good to cry and it's good to laugh
[16:11] What needs to happen right now?
[17:27] There is no shame in telling someone when you're not doing well
[18:42] Sometimes it's easy for us to forget what we didn't know...so send us your questions! There is no dumb question or anything you can't ask us. We are happy to cover anything that will help YOU!
[20:40] Switching gears to a...
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It Takes Two: Interview with a Birth Partner

Cortney interviews her husband, Nate, to find out what it takes to support a birthing woman and how to handle different birthing scenarios. It's so good and we promise this is one you won't want to miss. Hint: make sure your birth partner listens along!
[3:38] Your partner should NOT be the only one preparing for this birth!
[5:06] Advice from a dad: "You cannot be that stereotypical guy in these situations. You just can't." -Nate
[9:47] Cortney tests Nate's birthing knowledge
[12:05] More quizzing for Nate! Play along...does your birth partner know how to answer these correctly?
[12:47] Scenario 1
[16:07] Scenario 2
[18:44] Scenario 3
[26:34] What birth was like for Nate
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If you haven't subscribed to the podcast yet, you definitely should! We love breathing life into our mamas and don't want you to miss a thing. Plus we have some neat bonus episodes coming and if you're not subscribed you may miss them. Click ...
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What Are You Afraid Of?

You had fears before COVID-19 and you will have them after, but spoiler alert, you're going to work through them! How do we know? You're here, aren't you?! That means that you've walked through every single other fear or challenge to be standing here today. We believe in you, so let's tackle this together.
[4:24] What is fear? What does it look like during birth?
[5:57] What is empowerment? What does it look like during birth?
[7:46] Example - What if you fear is labor being too long?
[12:21] 1 to Stay 2 to Grow Challenge!
[22:04] You have to apply the knowledge.
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If you haven't subscribed to the podcast yet, you definitely should! We love breathing life into our mamas and don't want you to miss a thing. Plus we have some neat bonus episodes coming and if you're not subscribed you may miss them. Click >>here<< to subscribe in iTunes!
AND if you love all the great birth discussions, tips, and...
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Birth: Enneagram Type 9

Ok all of our peacemaking, spiritual, intuitive mamas, this one is for you! We loved recording this episode so much and can't wait to hear birth stories from our Type 9 moms. Having supported this type during birth, we know just how incredible you are when you create the right birth space and press forward with knowledge and confidence.
[2:37] Your Strengths
[9:22] Watch out!
[17:56] Tips for Partner
[21:41] Why you'll love the My Essential Birth Course
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If you haven't subscribed to the podcast yet, you definitely should! We love breathing life into our mamas and don't want you to miss a thing. Plus we have some neat bonus episodes coming and if you're not subscribed you may miss them. Click >>here<< to subscribe in iTunes!
AND if you love all the great birth discussions, tips, and tricks you're hearing, make sure to head over to iTunes and give us a review. It will help other mamas just like...
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