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7 Ways Your Birth Partner Can Support You

Show Notes:

[1:37] Your birth partner plays a pretty crucial role when it comes to your pregnancy and birth. Obviously, they helped you get there. They definitely need to be a part of the process. There's nothing that's going to bring you guys closer than the process of being pregnant and giving birth together.

[3:15] #1. Be an active participant all the way! Once you start learning, you're actually going to be getting excited about the information. Dads need to understand the process just as well as moms because at a point during her labor, she might not be able to verbalize the things that she needs to be done during the process.Dad should know very well, what she desires, but also know her so that you feel comfortable and stand as that rock advocating for her. Dads need to understand how the body works, what tests are coming up, how to speak with providers, what questions you bring, etc. 

You have to tell your birth partner your birth preferences, and he has to...

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The Episode Your Birth Partner NEEDS to Hear on How to Best Support You During Pregnancy, Labor, and Postpartum

Show Notes:

[1:42] Our Reviewer of the Week said, "I listened to this podcast during my entire first pregnancy. I loved the mix of birth stories, education, and practices. I felt empowered to advocate for myself and ask a lot of questions, which lead to confidence in my body and trust in my provider. I chose the epidural route and was satisfied with my experience bringing my son into the world. I just found out I am pregnant with baby #2 and started listening again. Stephanie feels like an old friend and I can’t wait to catch up with her! Honestly, I could go on and on about how this podcast has been a blessing and encouragement in my motherhood journey."

[3:59] This episode is for the dads! I think we have come a long way with how dads are involved with birth, especially now today. We know that research shows that women having their significant other with them during labor equals better outcomes, more comfort for mom, shorter labors, and just overall general better...

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Birth Story: When Birth Partner Support Really Matters with Laura & Mark Rowdon

Show Notes:

[2:18] This week's Reviewer of the Week is klsid86, and she said: "The Best Birth Podcast! I’ve listened to hundreds if not thousands of hours of birth podcasts in the past 5 years. I’m pregnant with my second and a self-confessed birth nerd. I only recently found this podcast, and I have to say it’s quickly become my favorite. A great mix of information and humor. I appreciate every episode!"

[3:08] - Mark and Laura Rowdon have been married for four and a half years and have been living in Japan for the past year. They currently serve as missionaries working at an English conversation school. They had first son two months ago so the birth story is fresh in their minds! They started taking the My Essential Birth Course halfway through the pregnancy.

[4:58] Laura had a smooth pregnancy experience overall. Because they were in Japan, things were just different culturally, and Laura wanted to give birth at a birth center...

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Contractions: What You Can Expect, How to Know It’s Time for You to Head to Your Birth Place, & How to Keep Track

Show Notes:

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week, Lexi Nuttman, says, “First time mom . . . feeling EMPOWERED! Hello there, I am a first time mom and about halfway through my pregnancy. Since listening to this podcast (more like binging the podcast), I have learned SO much about what type of birth I want. I am feeling so confident and empowered to start this journey. I loved the podcasts so much I decided to join the birth class . . . loving it so far. Thanks so much for this information and pros and cons of everything!

Update: second time around and STILLLLLL learning new information and binging this podcast! :)

We love that you guys are here to stay and continually doing the work! This is why I do what I do!

[2:13] I hope this week’s topic really resonates with you guys. I’ve said it before, I think the most exciting part of pregnancy (other than finding out you’re pregnant!) is figuring out that you’re in labor!

Most births are not like the movies....

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Birth Story: Unmedicated, Spiritual, and Supportive Hospital Birth with Justina & Kace Knowles

Show Notes:

[1:11:] Our reviewer of the week, Leliz86, says: “Still in preconception here! ‍ I stumbled upon this podcast when I started searching for meaningful and educational podcasts that fit my hopes and dreams for my first time pregnancy at 36! I love the content - I feel so informed and empowered to make all the decisions, prepare myself to be my healthiest for me and my baby! I absolutely love that there’s even episodes that help new dads! I can’t wait to sign up for the birth course and love that they cover pregnancy, some preconception health, and birth stories! Determined to listen to every single episode - Thank you for all that you do! 

We love when we're able to hear from both mama and birth partner about the birth experience! Justina and Kace Knowles share about the unmedicated birth of their son in a hospital and how their faith, communication, and the birth course prepared them.

[2:30] Justina and Kace Knowles introduce...

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Do I Need a Doula for My Birth?

When it comes to your birth experience, one of the most important things you can do to prepare is putting together your birth team. Doulas can be an incredible asset to you as you think about who you want to support you during your labor experience. Learn about the benefits of a doula here!

 Show Notes:

[1:12] The reviewer of the week, Tabs33, says, “Amazing!” She started listening to the podcast when she switched providers at 26 weeks pregnant. She received knowledge about what questions to ask and to have confidence in herself to switch. From the birth stories to finding out you could say no in the hospital  , she recommends this podcast and the birthing class to all her mama friends (even if they’ve already had babies). Thank you, Tabitha! 

Even if someone has already had their babies, we feel that there is always more to learn when it comes to pregnancy and labor. There are always new updates coming out and new evidence for...

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Relaxation Practice for Labor

Show Notes:

[1:12] Our reviewer of the week, Cassidy Jake, says, “This podcast is empowering.” She started listening to the podcast with her first and had a beautiful, natural birth. Currently at 30 weeks with her second, she has loved catching up on the new episodes. She loves Stephanie’s passion for informed consent and educating women on physiological birth. She believes the work Stephanie is doing is changing lives and generations with the knowledge and power being given to women.

Thank you for the beautiful testimonial, Cassidy! It HAS changed lives and generations starting with my own to feel empowered and knowledgeable about birth.

Today’s episode is meant to be a resource you can save, download, refer back to, and listen to over and over again! The techniques I talk about can be used NOW to make your labor and birth experience so much easier! Another added benefit is including your birth partner so they will be more prepared when the time comes!...

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Special Episode: My Husband's Point of View

The partner's point of view can be kind of a mystery and I've had a lot of women asking me what their partner should know and do. Well, you're welcome...and I'm sorry. This week I brought my dear husband on the show and I truly hope you get something good out of it as we laugh our way through pregnancy, birth, marriage, love, and parenting. We talk about what it was like to support me during a cesarean birth, a medicated VBAC, and an unmedicated VBAC. He even talks about postpartum depression, for the partner, and his best recommendations for how to handle it. True story, I did not know he went through this until he mentioned it on the podcast. Plus, we take time to let him answer your questions that we collected before the show.

Show Notes

4:02 - We discuss communication and a little bit of our background into becoming pregnant with our first baby.

5:32 - Our birth prep with our first baby was the best we knew to do at the time. We talk about how that wasn't maybe the best thing...

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Things Your Partner Doesn't Know or Doesn't Want to Know About Pregnancy, Birth, & Postpartum

 Our loving warning to you is to make sure you get pregnant before letting your partner listen to this adorable list! Ha! We must say we had a ton of fun recording this podcast and thinking through all of things our poor partners have to deal with. As moms, we mostly embrace all of the changes that happen to our body like our growing belly, lack of sleep and funny food cravings because, well, it's happening to us. We get excited even if it's not fun, knowing that it is all part of growing a baby. Partners though, they really kind of get taken by surprise with some of the changes and expectations in pregnancy, birth and postpartum so we thought it was fun to dive right in and cover those here. We hope you have a good laugh and learn along the way.

Show Notes

2:38 - As women, we get pretty excited about the changes that happen during pregnancy, but how do our partners feel about all of this?

3:28 - Get ready for the pregnancy list: room on the bed dwindling, lots of pillows,...

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Who's On Your Birth Team?

This episode starts with two stories about a birthing mother named "Jessica" and we have a feeling you may relate to her quite a bit, but you'll have to tell us if you're relating more to Jessica's scenario #1 or scenario #2! As mothers, we do the very best that we can in preparing ourselves for this beautiful, sacred experience of birth, and having the very best birth team can really make our ideal birth a reality. If you're wondering how to achieve that, you are in the right place!

Show Notes

4:05 - Scenario #1. A birth story from Jessica. We take a moment to read you a little story about a fictitious birthing mother named Jessica. Listen to this and see if you can relate to any of this.

10:51 - Scenario #2. This is a different birth story from Jessica. Do you relate to any of this?!

19:13 - Wondering what a birth team is? It's anyone who works as a team to support you, the birthing mother! It's also who you interact with and listen to and care about the opinions of.

25:13 -...

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