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Unmedicated Birth Center Birth Story: The Power of Support and Affirmations with Maren Rider

Show Notes:

[2:31] Our Reviewer of the Week, NatKhernandez, says, "This podcast has been one of the few that have brought me some peace and overall knowledge without scaring me about pregnancy. I love the positive birth stories and the educational ones like rhogam, hemorrhages, etc. thank you and I will be joining the course for next baby!"

[2:52] Our guest today is Maren Rider, a mom of two and pregnant with her third baby and also a My Essential Birth student! She'll be sharing the birth story about her second baby!

[4:37] Maren's experience with pregnancy overall went smoothly. She had a bit of nausea, but it cleared up around 10-11 weeks. She definitely noticed that the relaxin kicked in quickly so she had some issues with her hips and threw out her back a couple times when she was in the first trimester. Maren was pregnant with what is called Irish twins, which is when a baby is born within 12 months or less of their sibling. 


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Birth Story: Madison Mackley's Unmedicated, Birth Center Birth

Madison shares how her birth goals changed over time and a red flag that caused her to change service providers for the better. Madison also discusses the moment she found the perfect birth center for her and what led her to that decision. Madison shares the preparation she did regularly for an empowered birth. She shares the spiritual side of her birth story and how she surrendered her body after a long and exhausting labor. Her story is beautiful and inspiring...and even full of some challenges, especially postpartum, so take a listen! I hope you enjoy this week's episode!

Show Notes:

[1:16] Reviewer of the week, SydneyAdairG, shares that she is 22 weeks pregnant and has been listening to the podcast "Every Step of the Way" since she found out she was pregnant. The podcast has helped her feel informed and in control of the process. She says she's also enrolled in the birth course and cannot wait to dig deeper into...

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First Baby, Birthing with Midwives: Taylor’s Birth Story

1:27 - Today's guest is Taylor, a new mom, and student of My Essential Birth.

2:15 - Taylor shares that this is the first baby in her family. She loved being pregnant, although the first trimester symptoms were rough but later got better.

4:15 - Signs like persistent tiredness, and delay in her monthly flow made Taylor suspect that she was pregnant, and she took a test to confirm it.

6:11 - During her pregnancy, Taylor had a very strong craving for watermelons. She also had to struggle with significant discomfort in her legs especially at night. Her chiropractor helped with this but the symptoms completely disappeared after delivery. 99% of the solutions to pregnancy-related symptoms are to just have your baby.

8:36 - While having some doubts when she initially found out she was pregnant, Taylor highlights that she got a lot of encouragement from her husband to go ahead. She had started seeing a doctor for the first 20 weeks and observed the Doctors often did not spend the time to get...

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Safety of Homebirth + Informed Consent with Angie, LM, CPM

This week I had the pleasure of having  incredible home birth midwife, Angie, LM, CPM,  join me on the podcast. Angie, from the Long Beach, CA area, gives us some insight into what the process of taking care of a mother during pregnancy and birth is like as a home birth midwife. We also went a little deeper into birthing during a pandemic as well as the importance of informed consent. Informed consent is so important to her and I know when you take a listen you will understand why and feel empowered to stand up for yourself.

It's true that when you birth at home you will be birthing unmedicated but it doesn't mean your midwife won't come prepared with life-saving medications, tools, knowledge, and skills to keep you and your baby safe. With so many misconceptions when it comes to home births, including the legitimacy and safety of the practice, Angie gives us the facts that can help tackle those misconceptions and may even have you looking up a local home birth midwife...

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OB's vs Midwives Showdown

Don't let this title fool you- it's not that dramatic! We love both, and dislike both, depending on the provider. But the right provider for you will largely depend on what kind of birth experience you desire. Above all, find someone who respects and supports those birthing goals!
[2:45] The difference in Education/Schooling
[6:12] What kind of care each offers
[8:00] Who takes insurance and what that looks like
[8:57] Hot topic: Obstetricians are trained surgeons
[10:04] Midwives are trained in normal
[11:09] The different medications that can be prescribed during labor for each provider
[13:12] Cesarean birth rates
[14:11] What if a mom is high-risk??
[15:08] Reliance on medical tools
[15:50] The Med-wife
[22:16] OB vs Midwife during birth
[25:27] What we've observed as patients and doulas
[32:11] Questions to find the right provider for YOU
[33:29] Tell us who you chose and why!
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