Click on the blog post {aka Show Notes} for any podcast below and the links are at the bottom! Enjoy!
Show Notes:
[2:02] Our Review of the Week is Katie, who says, "I had felt so defeated after having a traumatic vaginal birth full of interventions and a painful C-section with my 2nd. With my 3rd, I wasn’t even sure I wanted to even try for a VBAC as I had no confidence in my own ability to birth my baby. Then…. as if by divine intervention, I found this podcast during that 3rd pregnancy. It changed everything for me. I went from feeling like birth happened to me twice to going on to have two more babies via beautiful and redemptive VBACs (last one completely unmedicated). Stephanie does a great job informing mothers on their options and potential hiccups in the pregnancy and birthing process so listeners can make the best decision for themselves and their babies. This podcast and the birth course are a must for any woman. My husband was also grateful for the easily digestible information from both the podcast and course. I am forever thankful and still listen to...
Show Notes:
[2:00] Our Reviewer of the Week, FrankiesFrolics, "Very informative and something for every mama. Lots of content given on various subjects within birthing. Non-bias and give both sides to certain scenarios to help you make decisions that suite you and the birthing needs best. Great Listen!"
[2:42] Our guest this week is David Arrell, an Executive Coach, Consultant, and the Author of Welcome To Fatherhood, which is passion project for supporting today’s Fathers as they strive to balance their higher aspirations of genuine self expression with those of parenting and partnership. David’s Coaching programs encourage the development of deeper personal authenticity while also building stronger relationships, helping his clients thrive in today’s complex landscape of overlapping career, partnership, and parenting challenges. His Welcome To Fatherhood work is specifically designed to help new and expectant Dads better...
Show Notes:
[1:42] Our Reviewer of the Week said, "I listened to this podcast during my entire first pregnancy. I loved the mix of birth stories, education, and practices. I felt empowered to advocate for myself and ask a lot of questions, which lead to confidence in my body and trust in my provider. I chose the epidural route and was satisfied with my experience bringing my son into the world. I just found out I am pregnant with baby #2 and started listening again. Stephanie feels like an old friend and I can’t wait to catch up with her! Honestly, I could go on and on about how this podcast has been a blessing and encouragement in my motherhood journey."
[3:59] This episode is for the dads! I think we have come a long way with how dads are involved with birth, especially now today. We know that research shows that women having their significant other with them during labor equals better outcomes, more comfort for mom, shorter labors, and just overall general better...
Show Notes:
No matter what kind of birth experience you want to have, the right support makes all the difference! Sarah & Matthew share how they were the creators of their experience and how love, trust, and confidence gave them what they needed to achieve the home birth they desired.
[1:11] Our reviewer of the week, Shaun Derenzo, said: “So inspired by this podcast! Hi Stephanie! Found your podcast through The Breastfeeding Talk Podcast, and now I can’t stop binging it! I am currently 8 months postpartum with my second baby, and you make me want to have another . . . AT HOME! Your words are so inspiring and listening to the work you do makes me want to become a birth doula (currently studying to be a certified lactation counselor . . . but who knows what else my future may hold ) HA! Thank you for the beautiful work you do for women and all the information you give to empower us through the most beautiful and life changing moments of motherhood. I will never...
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Pregnancy includes many unknowns for dads-to-be and having something or someone to look up to could help you in the journey phenomenally. Today's guest is an author-dad who helps fathers worldwide understand pregnancy and the roles of a dad in helping make the experience easy for themselves and their partners.
David Arrell is a dad, consultant and men's coach. He turned author with his book, "Welcome to Fatherhood", in which he consolidates the lessons learned from his experience being a dad for the first time. Through the book, David encourages men to more actively step into their supportive roles during pregnancy, childbirth, and the fourth trimester back home and gives them detailed and practical tips and techniques on how to do so.
In this episode, he breaks down his journey of becoming a dad, the invisible roles of assisting the mother during the journey, the benefits of using professional help, like a doula, and some tips to...
When it comes to giving birth at home, most of us think we have a clear picture of what it will look like. Mom is in a super comfortable setting, with the support of family and friends, surrounded by candles and the calm presence of a midwife. Little do most of us know the beautiful mix of emotions experienced at that time, as well as the uncertainty and challenges that mothers embrace with strength and grace.
Today's episode will introduce to you to Kirsten and her husband, previous students of the My Essential Birth course, who share their experience in pre and postnatal days, dealing with anxiety, HG, and bonding with her newborn post-birth. Not only will you learn the nuances of childbirth at home, but you will also learn how to train your mind to be calm and prepared by having a clear picture of the succession of events during labor.
Show Notes:
0:06 - Reviewer of the week
1:11 - Introducing Kirsten!
2:25 - Kirsten shares how...
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