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Birth Story: On Giving Birth Where You Feel Peace with Martha Henon

Show Notes:

[2:14] Our Reviewer of the Week, Cakes3054, "I am 35 weeks pregnant and just discovered this podcast last week. OMG I have been binge listening and have learned so much already. You ladies are amazing and I’m really hoping to get the birth I have envisioned this time around with my second. Thank you so much for all the information and all the tools you are providing to achieve our birth related goals!"

[3:01] Our guest today is Martha Henon, a mom of 2 and both of her birth experiences were at home! She is from Kentucky and a yoga instructor!

[3:46] Martha talks about the differences between her two pregnancies. She didn't find out the gender for either. 

  • 1st Birth (Daughter Cora): no morning sickness; one provider; inflatable tub; cervical lip; GBS+
  • 2nd Birth (Son): morning sickness; midwife; no tub

 [7:46] Stephanie asks Martha why she decided to do a home birth even when no one in her life had done one before. Martha said she's always been...

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A Guided Pregnancy Meditation for Mamas

Show Notes:

[1:12] We’re changing things up, and we’re diving right into a guided meditation. This is something I feel like is really useful for moms in any stage of pregnancy. I don’t know about you and if you’ve been feeling any anxiety in the air, but it feels like every mama I talk to is feeling stressed, heavy, or overwhelmed. If that sounds like you, let’s dive into a pregnancy meditation.

[1:57] Meditation can be powerful. The mind is very powerful and very suggestive during pregnancy. We want to give it the good stuff to help us have a good mindset for pregnancy & birth. This simple, guided meditation will help you feel calm, relaxed, and in-tune with your body.

[2:22] Make sure you are in a safe, quiet place. Set the mood (lighting, smell, comfort of what you’re wearing or laying on). Lay in your bed or sit on a chair. Pause, get yourself comfortable, and let’s begin.

[3:15] Stephanie walks us through a guided meditation.


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Relaxation Practice for Labor

Show Notes:

[1:12] Our reviewer of the week, Cassidy Jake, says, “This podcast is empowering.” She started listening to the podcast with her first and had a beautiful, natural birth. Currently at 30 weeks with her second, she has loved catching up on the new episodes. She loves Stephanie’s passion for informed consent and educating women on physiological birth. She believes the work Stephanie is doing is changing lives and generations with the knowledge and power being given to women.

Thank you for the beautiful testimonial, Cassidy! It HAS changed lives and generations starting with my own to feel empowered and knowledgeable about birth.

Today’s episode is meant to be a resource you can save, download, refer back to, and listen to over and over again! The techniques I talk about can be used NOW to make your labor and birth experience so much easier! Another added benefit is including your birth partner so they will be more prepared when the time comes!...

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Almost Didn't Make It - Kayla's Unmedicated Birth Story

Kayla and her husband, Grant, share about what mattered most when preparing for their first birth and how they are getting ready to meet this baby! Kayla openly shares about her struggle with and ultimate decision to become a mother. Her and Grant discuss the open communication that was so crucial for them prior to and during pregnancy. Kayla also discusses her concern with the changes having a child would make to her body, especially considering she is in the fitness industry. This is a must-listen because I know many, many women struggle with these same things and I love how she was able to work through each of these challenges. 

Her birth story is incredible as well! She talks about how all of her prep left her unconvinced that she was even in labor come birthing time AND how she arrived at the hospital just in time to birth her baby, unmedicated, and exactly how she had planned for. I hope you absolutely enjoy listening to this week's birth story episode!

**PLUS, Kayla is...

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BONUS episode with Relaxation Practice

If you want to put your knowledge to the test and practice for the big day...this episode is 100% for you! We'll walk you through this relaxation exercise and give you an opportunity to practice with relaxing music at the end. Grab your pen and paper, take notes, and then get ready to teach your body to relax better than you ever have before. Remember, practice makes permanent, so practicing the right way will you set you up for birthing success!
[1:01] The physical & mental aspects of relaxation + why consistency is key
[1:31] Tips for successful relaxation (how-to)
[2:18] How often to practice and for how long
[3:14] Tips for practicing solo & how to create triggers for when people in your birth space are making relaxation suggestions during labor
[4:00] When & where to practice
[4:45] Breathing - how to do it correctly
[5:30] Setting up for relaxation practice
[6:06] Practice HERE 🙂
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