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A Guided Pregnancy Meditation for Mamas

Show Notes:

[1:12] We’re changing things up, and we’re diving right into a guided meditation. This is something I feel like is really useful for moms in any stage of pregnancy. I don’t know about you and if you’ve been feeling any anxiety in the air, but it feels like every mama I talk to is feeling stressed, heavy, or overwhelmed. If that sounds like you, let’s dive into a pregnancy meditation.

[1:57] Meditation can be powerful. The mind is very powerful and very suggestive during pregnancy. We want to give it the good stuff to help us have a good mindset for pregnancy & birth. This simple, guided meditation will help you feel calm, relaxed, and in-tune with your body.

[2:22] Make sure you are in a safe, quiet place. Set the mood (lighting, smell, comfort of what you’re wearing or laying on). Lay in your bed or sit on a chair. Pause, get yourself comfortable, and let’s begin.

[3:15] Stephanie walks us through a guided meditation.


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Pelvic Floor Therapy with Amanda Fisher & Marin Cole

 Show Notes:

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week is Courtney Clare, and she says: “I love this podcast so much, not only as a pregnant mama myself, but as a Registered Labor and Delivery Nurse! Stephanie does such a great job at covering ALL the relevant and important topics in digestible segments of information, and then turning that information into concrete resources and talking points for women to bring to their birth team. AND offers such a great balance of clinical and “crunchy.” Thank you for the work you do getting this essential information into the hands of moms everywhere!”

This week, I’m bringing even more evidence-based, excellent conversation today! Something we probably don’t spend enough time talking about is pelvic health during pregnancy and postpartum. If you’re anything like me, even with all of my study of birth, you may not even know that pelvic floor therapists are a thing. Well, lucky for you . . . that’s...

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Pregnant Over 35 and Loving It with Jessica Estrada

Show Notes:

[1:10] Reviewer of the week is BethanyEdge310 says, “Just what I wanted to find!” She found the My Essential Birth podcast by listening to a pregnancy and fitness episode while working out because she felt morning sickness! She laughed when Stephanie said exercise would help with morning sickness because it definitely helped her!

I talk with Jessica Estrada, a first time mama at the age of 43, about her pregnancy experience. She shares her story, struggles, and what she wants other mamas who are pregnant over age 35 to know. Jessica discusses things like how family and friends have not had the easiest time with her decisions and how she's dealt with that, how her fiancé  feels about her birth choices, and how she's maintained a strong, positive attitude throughout.

You're going to love listening to her light and enthusiasm about trusting your body and the process of birth. If you are pregnant and over 35 this is for you AND every pregnant mama...

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The Top 5 Myths of Prenatal Exercise with Nicole Scheitlin

In this week's episode, I am joined by Nicole Scheitlin to bust the top 5 myths you've probably heard surrounding prenatal and postpartum exercise and wellness.
Nicole is a Pre/Postnatal Performance Training Specialist and the founder of Strong Mama Wellness where she helps people train for a healthier pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood. She has over 10 years experience in the industry and approaches fitness and wellness in a way that supports the body during a time of extreme change. Nicole is on a mission to empower people with safe and supportive exercise so they feel strong and capable during pregnancy, prepare for labor, and recover quickly postpartum.

Show Notes:

1:13 - Our reviewer of the week shares how the My Essential Birth podcast has provided her with a realistic perspective of birth and has given her a wealth of knowledge as she prepares for her first birth. (Thank you for the amazing review and congratulations on your new baby, all the...

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Curb Walking for Labor

 There are countless valid reasons why women seek to induce labor naturally. In this episode, I deep dive into both natural and medically induced practices. I answer questions about the processes and methods behind various natural and medical procedures, the risks and benefits, and the options available to you. I also introduce you to techniques that are available through other holistic practitioners - such as chiropractors. When it comes to labor and delivery, you have options. My Essential Birth is a judgment-free zone and resource for you to utilize to take control and have more knowledge over your pregnancy and birth experience.=

[2:03] A deep dive into why women want to induce labor naturally.

[2:28] Understanding prodromal labor and recognizing the signs and symptoms of this condition. PLUS, things that you can do to cope.
[4:05] Curb Walking 101-Curb walking is a technique that can be done inside or outside. It has various benefits, such as increasing oxytocin...

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3 Pregnancy Lies You Probably Believe

 Since it's the simple things that can trip us up the most when it comes to trying to create the birth experience we’re really aiming for, I want to throw a few "obvious" but not so obvious lies you will likely believe if you hear them during your pregnancy. I’m hoping as I give you some more details about each of these three lies your mind will start to sort through all of the information and you will continue to build on that knowledge so you have it for when you need it. Overall, I want you to realize how much power you have over your birth experience and that you are truly the one in charge. So I will tell you each lie, give you all the nitty gritty facts, and then end with the truth. Remember I am not a medical provider and cannot provide medical advice. I’m just a birth nerd who loves to know what my options are when it comes to birthing and then be able to share them with all of you.

Show Notes

5:01 - The first lie that is told when it comes to...

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Prodromal Labor & What It Means for Your Birth

 This week’s episode is going to focus on all of the ins and outs of prodromal labor. 2020 changed a lot of things for birth, including causing a ton of prodromal labor for expecting mamas. In this episode, I walk you through exactly what prodromal labor is, what the risks are, if there are any benefits, how to prevent it, what to do for yourself (and baby) if you end up experiencing it, and what it means for the end-game - in other words, how it affects your birth plan and if it ultimately means you can’t have the birth you were hoping for. Since this is something affecting tons of pregnant moms right now, you're definitely going to want to give this episode a listen and then tuck it away to review for later.

Show Notes

5:37 - What prodromal labor is, how it feels, how it compares to Braxton Hicks, and how it compares to active labor. I also talk about the different lengths in which it can range.

9:54 - My three very different birth experiences, how they compared,...

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Your Biggest Challenge in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

It's not that you can't eat a ton, or that you're swollen, the heartburn, exhaustion, or crazy pregnancy dreams, so do you know what it is!? We have seen a massive increase in this challenge for pregnant women especially since Covid hit in 2020. Don't worry though, we've got you covered. We'll tell you what you need to know, what your options are, and how to be prepared for this. We know...we haven't said what it is. But that's what the episode is for! So take a guess and a listen!

Show Notes

2:21 - Your biggest challenge in the third trimester is not that you can't eat a ton, or that you're swollen, or your crazy pregnancy nightmares. So if you're wondering what it is, listen in here.

8:34 - This is our absolute biggest pet peeve with inductions plus everything you need to know about how it's done and what your options are.

15:32 - More managed births affect our mental state while we birth. It's easier to believe that a mother's body "doesn't work on its own" when we jump-start it...

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Countdown to Baby: Final Two Weeks

The last two weeks of pregnancy can be a bit tricky because #1 you don't know when those last two weeks will actually be and #2 it feels exciting and exhausting all at the same time! We've broken it down into the most useful things you can do to transition from having baby inside to bringing home a newborn during that final countdown. We're talking about everything from prepping freezer meals, what to pack before you go, what to unpack before you give birth, breastfeeding, and much more.

3:25 - We dish on freezer meals and meal prep!

5:47 - One of the best things to do to prep for postpartum is to create "stations" around your home like in the bathroom and for breastfeeding.

10:18 - Review the birth course! When to head to the birthplace, last-minute conversations with the provider, labor rehearsals, get it!

14:39 - The stuff that you don't want to be unpacking after the baby is home.

17:23 - The perfect time to learn about breastfeeding is right before baby is...

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Do You Know the Risks?

So often we are told the benefits of procedures during pregnancy and birth, but how often are we given the risks associated with those procedures too? True informed consent means getting both and then being given the opportunity to consent or decline. The tricky part can be in not really understanding the options. How do you really know if you're getting all the information? Well, that's exactly what we break down for you in this episode!

Informed consent means that a provider explains the benefits and risks of a medication, procedure, (or lack of either), and then allows the mother to give consent.

Informed consent is NOT 

  • making you afraid to say no
  • telling you only the benefits and downplaying the risks
  • telling the mother, "I'm going to do ______". For example, "I'm going to preform a vaginal exam on you."

Our Top Tips for Informed Consent

Since providers may fail to give proper informed consent, you need to remember to use your B.R.A.I.N so that you can get the...

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