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Overcoming Postpartum Struggles: Your Roadmap to Recovery

Show Notes:

[1:37] Our Reviewer of the Week, Madi-12-12, said: "I give this podcast credit for my amazing unmedicated birth experience! Education is key to an amazing birth experience and this podcast provides it! I was unable to take the birth course by the time l found this podcast because I was already enrolled in another, but I learned more from this podcast then I did from that other birth course. I will definitely sign up for their birth course for my next pregnancy! Thank you so much for the time and effort put into this podcast!"

[2:51] This topic came up in our Facebook group for My Essential Birth. What do we do when postpartum goes a little bit sideways? I think there are some things, I'm going to go over some of the more serious things that you need to be aware of immediately. Some things that we can catch right away. And then some of those that you might not be so easy to catch. 

[4:38] Let's talk about these three big warning signs...

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Placenta Encapsulation with Bonnie Baker

Placenta encapsulation was a foreign concept just a few years ago, but now as it becomes more mainstream there are tons of questions around who should have it done, what the benefits actually are, if there are risks involved and when to avoid encapsulation, how Covid-19 has affected placentas, and how to find someone who really knows what they're doing. Today I get to answer all of those questions with doula and almost midwife , Bonnie Baker. For as long as I have known Bonnie in the birth world, she has been involved in finding ways to improve birthing outcomes and take care of mothers during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. This includes the wonderful work of encapsulating placentas. Enjoy!

Show Notes:

 1:15 - Our reviewer of the week talks about the Pregnancy & Birth Made Easy being her very favorite after listening to thousands of hours of birthing podcasts! Thanks mama!

3:20 - Bonnie discusses the details of the placenta encapsulation process and the history behind...

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