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Do THIS During Contractions

This is probably the #1 thing moms are curious about when that due date starts creeping closer and we are here to tell you that this episode will bring great relief for when you're face-to-face with those contractions! 
[2:54] You WILL feel contractions even if you plan to have an epidural.
[6:50] Knowing how you handle physical pain and emotional discomfort matters for how you will naturally find comfort and work through contractions.
[8:29] You do not have to be religious to connect to something spiritual during your birth experience.
[12:49] Hands-on support is wonderful, but it needs to be practiced and done right.
[15:57] "I've heard breathing like I'm panting is supposed to help me relaxed and stay focus. Is that true?" No. No, it's not.
[17:47] DOULA TIP!
[19:22] Sometimes distraction trumps visualization when it comes to working through contractions.
[25:11] Curious about more you can do to manage contractions during birth?
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