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What Actually Needs to Be in Your Prenatal Vitamins with Bridgitte Mallinson of Gut Personal

Show Notes:

[1:43] Our Review of the Week, Cristina Trouy, said "As a first time mom, I did so much research before we tried to conceive because I wanted to determine what kind of birth would be best for me, and I wanted to prepare as best I could for pregnancy. Coming across Stephanie’s podcast was the biggest blessing! It was exactly what I needed to make an educated decision regarding what was best for me and my baby. After listening to her extensive knowledge on everything birth related, I decided that a home birth was what I wanted! I love how Stephanie takes you through the whole process of birth all the way up to what to expect postpartum. Because of this podcast, I knew how to advocate for myself, how to select a midwife, how to prepare my mind and body for birth, how to stay healthy during pregnancy . . . I could go on and on. She discusses almost everything you could ever need to know about birth. Because of the confidence I gained through the information in...

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Introducing Ellement, Prenatal Supplements Created and Personalized for Each Mother, with Doreen Bloch and Dr. Nate Fox

Show Notes:

[2:26] Our Reviewer of the Week, kate.e.amsden, said: "This podcast is amazing beyond words. My husband and I are still in preconception, but planning to start trying to conceive in a few months, and I have been obsessively listening to these episodes. I have learned so much from Steph (and Courtney), and feel so prepared and confident - I know I’ll be ready to navigate the twists and turns of pregnancy and delivery when my times comes. Steph shares all of the options and evidence so calmly and clearly, yet her passion for empowering us to assess the data from our own perspective to make the best choices for our own journeys is so obvious and abundant. I am also a pelvic floor and sports physical therapist, and love that the data she presents is accurate and well researched, and that the way she presents it is absolutely in line with empowering each mama to own her options and be at the center of her care - as patients should be. Can’t wait to re-listen...

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