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7 of the Most Common Interventions during Birth & Labor

Show Notes:

[2:06] Our Reviewer of the Week, Leeamandamay184 says: “I’ve never written a podcast review before, and I BINGE podcasts all day. This has been so helpful in creating a birth plan and know what to expect! As a first time mom, I only know what [horror] stories I’ve been told by others and from all the research I’ve done. I feel much more prepared now and will most likely be purchasing the class from myessentialbirth.com!”

[3:08] Today’s episode is about 7 of the most common interventions women may come up against in a hospital birth setting. I think we can all agree that most moms want to have the best possible birth experience, right? If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you probably want a low intervention birth. Sometimes interventions are necessary, but often times they are not. However, there are things that you can do to avoid them.

[3:51] 1. Triage 

[9:22] 2. Changing into your hospital gown...

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A Guide to Knowing Pain Management Options BEFORE Your Contractions Begin

[1:17] Our Reviewer of the Week, kompatrit, said "So grateful for this podcast for making my unmedicated birth possible! Found this podcast at 4 weeks pregnant with an unexpected baby! I’m only 21 and had ZERO knowledge of anything birth or baby related and was so in the dark. This podcast has provided me with so much confidence and knowledge, I’m now 32 weeks and planning for an unmedicated hospital birth! Thank you so much for all your podcast and the birth course!"

[2:07] I want to talk to you about pain management options during labor because this is kind of one of those things that is out there and we kind of sort of talk about it or kind of think about it, but maybe we don't understand fully what's involved.

[3:02] What are your options? When it comes to pain management, there are things you can do that are administered in a hospital setting, and there are things you can do that are more natural coping techniques. 

[3:45] The most common pain management...

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Scheduled for an Induction? Here's What You Should Know with L&D Nurse, Mackenzie DeClark

induction pitocin Jan 09, 2024

Show Notes:

[2:22] Our Reviewer of the Week, ereese307, says, "Game Changer for a first birth! This podcast was my best pregnancy resource during pregnancy! I just had my first baby and before the birth, I listened to every episode of this podcast! My birth preferences went out the door when my baby was diagnosed with fetal growth restriction, and I was scheduled to be induced early. This podcast gave me the strength and knowledge to stay positive and continue forward to have the most amazing, natural-ish hospital birth. Now, I have a beautiful baby girl who is as healthy as can be at one week old."

[3:08] Mackenzie is a Labor and Delivery and Postpartum nurse. She's been working night shift for 7 years caring for new and experienced parents. During that time, she also became a mom to two little boys. After giving birth & navigating postpartum herself, she saw a need for more accessible, non judgmental, non-biased birth and postpartum education. She...

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Pitocin for the Third Stage of Labor

Show Notes:

We tackle a question this week that catches many moms off guard when it comes to their birth process. “Why is my provider planning to give me a shot of Pitocin before I deliver my placenta?” We’re going to talk about all of your OPTIONS so you can make an informed decision.

[1:12] Our reviewer of the week is Mal1212 and she said: “I absolutely love learning about birth! I have had three babies (I’m pregnant with my fourth) and knew so little about the stages of birth, the options/rights that I have, and what I can do naturally on my own. I love how positive birth is portrayed and taught. I have gained confidence in my ability to give birth and other resources I can turn to for more support. Their birth course is amazing as well. Worth every penny!”

There is never a bad time to start learning about birth. Whether it’s your first baby or your fourth! I wish podcasts had been a thing when I had my first baby! I’ve learned so...

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Induction Without an Epidural

 This week we're breaking down everything you need to know to prepare yourself physically and mentally for an induction without an epidural. I cannot stress the importance of going into labor with the mindset of possibly having an induction and preparing yourself for that outcome. I'll also discuss all things Pitocin: what it is, what it does, and how it can affect you, your baby, and labor. By getting your body and mind ready before you even go into labor, you can achieve an unmedicated birth despite being induced.

Show Notes:

[1:16] Our reviewer of the week, iheartdonuts, started listening to the podcast to prepare for her "dream birth." She wanted to be as informed as possible and be prepared to advocate for herself and her daughter. She said, "The evidence based info is exactly what you need to dig deeper and do even more research for yourself and your baby. It'll make you feel more prepared for whatever comes your way in your birth story."


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Get It Started! Natural Ways to Induce Birth

You asked, we listened! This episode will give you some simple, fun ways to get birth started. Some you may have heard of, and others may be totally new to you. While we are careful to share only those things that are safe and evidence-based, we are not medical professionals and cannot provide medical advice so be sure to talk with your provider before trying these.
[3:05] When you want to utilize these tools and all the legitimate reasons to get things moving.
[11:47] Why we just spent all this time talking about why to not get things moving!
[12:23] Ways that you can jumpstart your birth from the comfort of your home; everything from dates, castor oil, baby positioning, herbs, sex and more.
[17:56] After 37 weeks and it's time to get things moving...
[19:00] Your cervix and the Bishop's Score
[23:21] Membrane sweeps and when it's a good time to give it a go!
[25:29] What if I tested positive for GBS?
[27:35] Wrapping it all up!
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