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Water Birth: Is It for You and What Are the Benefits?

Show Notes:

[2:02] Our Reviewer of the Week is basejumping-abbeygbaby, and she said, "Stephanie (along with Courtney in early episodes) does an amazing job of laying out all of the options a birthing momma has before, during, and after pregnancy. She provides awesome information on how to choose a provider, what questions to ask, what different types of providers have to offer, pros and cons of all the different locations you can plan to give birth, how a doula can help, what is “normal” and how to know when medical interventions may truly be needed, and so much more! I listened to this entire podcast from the beginning when I found out I was expecting. I am now holding my beautiful 3-month old daughter as I write this, and I remain inspired and incredibly thankful to have this podcast as a resource. I felt empowered in the decisions that I made throughout my pregnancy, and I was able to have the home birth that I dreamed of!"

What an incredible story. Thank you so...

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