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7 Lies You've Been Told about Pregnancy & Birth

Show Notes:

[1:28] Our Reviewer of the Week, C-Gerber, said, "I found your podcast half way through my first pregnancy, and ended up buying your course soon after I listened to many of the birthing stories. I ended up having my first born daughter after only 7 hours of labour with no pain medication! It was an intense but amazing experience that I was able to have control of the whole situation. This course helped me take control of my first birth and allowed me to go into my labour confidently. My doctor was blown away at how fast I had my first child and my nurse was also amazed! I told them about this course I took and my nurse wanted to know what it was called so she could tell other woman about it after witnessing my birth!!!"

[2:37] You are not being told the complete truth when it comes to your pregnancy and birth. That is the reality of it. I am here to debunk some of these things for you. 

[3:22] Lie #1: You should schedule an induction if you are coming up to...

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Scheduled for an Induction? Here's What You Should Know with L&D Nurse, Mackenzie DeClark

induction pitocin Jan 09, 2024

Show Notes:

[2:22] Our Reviewer of the Week, ereese307, says, "Game Changer for a first birth! This podcast was my best pregnancy resource during pregnancy! I just had my first baby and before the birth, I listened to every episode of this podcast! My birth preferences went out the door when my baby was diagnosed with fetal growth restriction, and I was scheduled to be induced early. This podcast gave me the strength and knowledge to stay positive and continue forward to have the most amazing, natural-ish hospital birth. Now, I have a beautiful baby girl who is as healthy as can be at one week old."

[3:08] Mackenzie is a Labor and Delivery and Postpartum nurse. She's been working night shift for 7 years caring for new and experienced parents. During that time, she also became a mom to two little boys. After giving birth & navigating postpartum herself, she saw a need for more accessible, non judgmental, non-biased birth and postpartum education. She...

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The ARRIVE Trial & What It Means for Mamas

Show Notes:

[2:15] Our Reviewer of the Week, kaihanks, says "Forever grateful to the friend who lead me to this podcast AND birth course! Between this podcast, the birth course, and all their resources, I feel educated, empowered, encouraged, and overall excited for this experience in my life!" 

[3:05] This week's topic is the ARRIVE Trial. This ARRIVE (A Randomized Trial of Induction Versus Expectant Management) trial is the one that providers are leaning on and using as a reason to induce moms and to tell moms that because of this trial, they are finding that it's actually safer to induce at 39 weeks and that this is an evidence-based practice. During 2020 and this trial, inductions were pushed so much more than I had ever seen it done. 

[6:45] The primary purpose behind the trial was that they wanted to figure out if the elective induction, during the 39th week of pregnancy, would result in a lower death...

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Birth Story: Preparing for the Mental Game of Labor & Birth + The Difference the Right Support Can Make with Taryn Hoeksema

Show Notes:

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week, ygbsbjx, said, “Hi, Stephanie! I’m in my third trimester and was very determined to not study up too much about giving birth just to preserve the mystery and romance and natural process of it. Then I stumbled upon this podcast and now I can’t help but listen to every episode and am taking the online birth course. I can’t believe all of the information I have learned and now I have SOOOOO many questions for my next prenatal appointment. I also feel empowered that although I won’t be having a home birth (due to my husband’s concerns) I know enough now to advocate for myself in the hospital to have the best birth I can try to have! I had no idea how many options, choices and decisions there are to be made that no one even talks to you about! Thank you!

I’m thankful that you have come to the podcast and learning about birth! I love the idea of the mystery of birth and preserving the romance, but I...

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Avoid the Unnecessary Holiday Induction

Show Notes:

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week is blessedmama01, and she says: “Best podcast out there! Stephanie is so easy to listen to and gives such wonderful and helpful advice! I listened to this podcast all though out my pregnancy and felt so confident and prepared to have my baby. I cannot say enough good about Stephanie and highly recommend this podcast!”

This is going to be one of my quick, simple advice episodes! This time of year, it is SO important to avoid the holiday induction, because YES. It is real. We’ll be talking about five tips to keep baby right where he should be!

Side Note: It’s not just our providers that we need to be aware of and their plans, schedules, etc. Our families’ (and even our own) expectations and desires also need to be kept in check as well when deciding what’s best for baby and for mom during this busy time of year.

[2:48] Tip #1: Be open and honest with your provider about your feelings and concerns....

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Induction Without an Epidural

 This week we're breaking down everything you need to know to prepare yourself physically and mentally for an induction without an epidural. I cannot stress the importance of going into labor with the mindset of possibly having an induction and preparing yourself for that outcome. I'll also discuss all things Pitocin: what it is, what it does, and how it can affect you, your baby, and labor. By getting your body and mind ready before you even go into labor, you can achieve an unmedicated birth despite being induced.

Show Notes:

[1:16] Our reviewer of the week, iheartdonuts, started listening to the podcast to prepare for her "dream birth." She wanted to be as informed as possible and be prepared to advocate for herself and her daughter. She said, "The evidence based info is exactly what you need to dig deeper and do even more research for yourself and your baby. It'll make you feel more prepared for whatever comes your way in your birth story."


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Recovering From Birth Trauma with Karina Robinson

Birth trauma is real and it can happen to women even when they've have done everything in their power to NOT have it happen, and it's NOT their fault! If you are wondering what you can do to avoid it OR you have experienced birth trauma and want to know how to heal from it, tune in this week! 

Karina Robinson, childbirth educator, doula, and almost midwife joins me as we walk through what causes birth trauma, how your birth partner can identify when you've experienced it, and how to avoid it with several different tools!


About Karina: 

I am a trained, certified, and skilled professional doula in the height of my life’s passion. I am in my element when, after weeks of preparation and education, I see a woman and her partner share a secret, knowing look of shimmering emotion that shows all their hard work paid off, in one of life’s most precious moments. This moment is further enhanced for me when the woman’s partner...

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Becoming a Doula + Making Induction a Success with Bonnie Baker

A doula's role in assisting in childbirth is not only beautiful but also sacred. To those who maybe aren't so familiar, a doula is someone who supports women through pregnancy, birth and postpartum, mostly known for their hands-on support during the actual labor process. They also help the mother and her partner make informed decisions about the birth by providing emotional support, physical comfort, information and practical assistance. The best part? They work for YOU! Not your provider, not anyone else who may have an agenda, they are there to help you get all the information, and then support whatever decisions YOU choose to create your best birth.

If you're someone who wants to become or hire a doula, this episode is a treat to listen to! I have professional doula, and dear friend, Bonnie Baker, join me today to discuss the essential nuances of doula training, working as a doula, and we also dive a little deeper into how to have a successful birth...

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Curb Walking for Labor

 There are countless valid reasons why women seek to induce labor naturally. In this episode, I deep dive into both natural and medically induced practices. I answer questions about the processes and methods behind various natural and medical procedures, the risks and benefits, and the options available to you. I also introduce you to techniques that are available through other holistic practitioners - such as chiropractors. When it comes to labor and delivery, you have options. My Essential Birth is a judgment-free zone and resource for you to utilize to take control and have more knowledge over your pregnancy and birth experience.=

[2:03] A deep dive into why women want to induce labor naturally.

[2:28] Understanding prodromal labor and recognizing the signs and symptoms of this condition. PLUS, things that you can do to cope.
[4:05] Curb Walking 101-Curb walking is a technique that can be done inside or outside. It has various benefits, such as increasing oxytocin...

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3 Pregnancy Lies You Probably Believe

 Since it's the simple things that can trip us up the most when it comes to trying to create the birth experience we’re really aiming for, I want to throw a few "obvious" but not so obvious lies you will likely believe if you hear them during your pregnancy. I’m hoping as I give you some more details about each of these three lies your mind will start to sort through all of the information and you will continue to build on that knowledge so you have it for when you need it. Overall, I want you to realize how much power you have over your birth experience and that you are truly the one in charge. So I will tell you each lie, give you all the nitty gritty facts, and then end with the truth. Remember I am not a medical provider and cannot provide medical advice. I’m just a birth nerd who loves to know what my options are when it comes to birthing and then be able to share them with all of you.

Show Notes

5:01 - The first lie that is told when it comes to...

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