What To Do When Your Water Breaks

You are not alone in wanting to know what happens if your water breaks and what you should do if it does. We hope you love how we broke this down into the different ways this can happen, funny scenarios of where it can happen, and even some role play to show you how you can safely and comfortably speak with your provider about when and if it's time to head into your birthplace. Plus, we take it one step further and give you the truth behind your provider asking to break your bag of waters during labor.

Show Notes

3:13 - Fun facts about labor and water breaking!

7:48 - Where and when does your water break? You might want to listen in for some good stories here.

11:05 - Here's everything you need to do if your water breaks before you're in labor, including how to report it to your provider.

15:50 - Scenario 1. This is the first of three examples we give of a mother talking to a provider about her bag of waters being broken.

18:00 - Scenario 2.

19:44 - Scenario 3.

22:28 - Some things to do if your water breaks but you don't have contractions.

25:31 - Wait...what about if my provider is asking to break my bag of waters during birth?

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