Transition & the Beauty of Surrender During Birth


The most intense, shortest, and possibly the most important part of the birth process, Transition not only moves you into the next stage of birth but also the transition into motherhood. This episode takes you through the mechanics of what's happening inside of the body during this stage, the spiritual side of transition, why surrendering is SO necessary, and what your partner must do to prepare.

Show Notes

2:00 - We go over what your body is physically doing during transition inside of your body (the mechanics!).

5:18 - How long does transition last??

6:48 - The spiritual side of transition. Yes, it may be the toughest part of birth but it's also stretching and spiritual too.

8:14 - Surrendering is necessary as we move into this part of labor. If you're wondering what this really means though, tune in here. + What surrendering doesn't look like.

21:24 - Preparation by the partner and with mom is so important before the birth, especially during this time of birth. Have your partners listen in here.

ALL our best,
Links mentioned in this episode:

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