Things Your Partner Doesn't Know or Doesn't Want to Know About Pregnancy, Birth, & Postpartum

 Our loving warning to you is to make sure you get pregnant before letting your partner listen to this adorable list! Ha! We must say we had a ton of fun recording this podcast and thinking through all of things our poor partners have to deal with. As moms, we mostly embrace all of the changes that happen to our body like our growing belly, lack of sleep and funny food cravings because, well, it's happening to us. We get excited even if it's not fun, knowing that it is all part of growing a baby. Partners though, they really kind of get taken by surprise with some of the changes and expectations in pregnancy, birth and postpartum so we thought it was fun to dive right in and cover those here. We hope you have a good laugh and learn along the way.

Show Notes

2:38 - As women, we get pretty excited about the changes that happen during pregnancy, but how do our partners feel about all of this?

3:28 - Get ready for the pregnancy list: room on the bed dwindling, lots of pillows, potty time - all the time, emotions, bad dreams, no sex drive, or wanting it all the time!  You know, the fun stuff!

8:09 - You might be super tired or even fall asleep while watching tv, maybe you have an online shopping addiction, and you probably expect things from your partner. Like, taking the birth class, listening to the podcast, or maybe there are certain things you want them to do during labor or postpartum.

13:15 - Moving into birth now. Yes, your water can break in his car, when you're out to dinner, or even while you sleep. During birth, dad doesn't get to sleep if mom isn't sleeping, but he does get to hear about the mucous plug, meconium, and other poop.  You also may strip down naked, which always seems to leave those first-time dads wide-eyed.

20:01 - There are some things to know about postpartum, too. First of all, no sex for 6 weeks. Sorry dads!! 😂 More poop, but now it's the baby's, nighttime feedings, lots of bodily fluids, and mom's boobs could be off-limits for a hot minute.

25:05 - And, finally, good stuff that he might not know - like how much he's going to love you and your sweet baby.

27:41 - Few things can bond us forever like pregnancy and birth. Everything we go through is totally worth is in the end. 

25:05 - The good stuff that he might not know - like how much he's going to love you and your sweet baby.

27:41 - There are few things that we go through with our partners like pregnancy and birth that will bond us together forever...and it's worth it.

ALL our best,

Links Mentioned

  1. Funny video we referenced

  2. Our IG Account

  3. Michael Scott - Breastfeeding meme

  4. Marjorie Hinckley Quote


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