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Do You Know the Risks?

So often we are told the benefits of procedures during pregnancy and birth, but how often are we given the risks associated with those procedures too? True informed consent means getting both and then being given the opportunity to consent or decline. The tricky part can be in not really understanding the options. How do you really know if you're getting all the information? Well, that's exactly what we break down for you in this episode!

Informed consent means that a provider explains the benefits and risks of a medication, procedure, (or lack of either), and then allows the mother to give consent.

Informed consent is NOT 

  • making you afraid to say no
  • telling you only the benefits and downplaying the risks
  • telling the mother, "I'm going to do ______". For example, "I'm going to preform a vaginal exam on you."

Our Top Tips for Informed Consent

Since providers may fail to give proper informed consent, you need to remember to use your B.R.A.I.N so that you can get the...

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Avoiding Holiday Inductions & Understanding Due Dates

It's true that having a due date around the holidays may increase the chance of an unnecessary induction. You may also be surprised to hear that both moms and providers have their own reasons for recommending induction. So how do you know when it's a good idea to induce? We are going to provide some insight on that and dive a little bit deeper into the science behind the "due" date.


-Family being in town during a certain period of time and wanting to have their help with the new baby.

-Knowing when baby will be born makes it easier to plan for the holiday season.

-If the provider of their choice is going on vacation close to their due date.

-To take advantage of the tax break/deduction.

-If they've already met their insurance deductible for the year.

-Weather. Winter weather & distance to the birthplace may lead to concerns about a safe trip and making it in time.



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Is Birth Like Running a Marathon?


Running a marathon was one of the most challenging, rewarding, and empowering experiences of my entire life, much like birth, and I am so excited to share this incredible story with all of you! Yes it's 100% true that you do not need to be able to run a marathon to give birth. I should know, I gave birth three times without ever being physically able to run a marathon. However, we often hear that the physical exertion required is about the same. So now that I have done both, I am anxious to tell you everything I've learned about the mental and physical powers of our minds and bodies.

Training for a marathon and training for birth have SO many similarities!

  • In both cases, you know the approximate date of when you need to be ready. So, if you knew you had 9 months to prepare, would you start preparing right away? I don't think most people would plan to "wing" a marathon, and you definitely can't "wing" birth!
  • I had to be committed & consistent with my runs. You need to be...
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The Illusion of No Control


Peace is a choice. We can choose to do those things that invite peace into our lives, even when so much around us seems out of control. And that's the topic that we want to introduce to you guys this week- what you can control in your pregnancy and birth. We fear that there's this illusion out there amongst birthing women, that there is no control.

In fact, what triggered this topic for us was coming across a birth story post on Instagram. This woman shared her rather traumatic birth story and concluded it by telling her followers that there's no point in having a birth plan or preparing for the experience because it's all out of your control. 

Maybe having that perspective was a coping strategy for her, a way to process a disappointing experience. Because when you don't believe you can control anything, perhaps you're able to maybe more easily release the experience you've had, especially if it wasn't a great one. BUT! women who head into pregnancy and birth...

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Is a Birth Class Really Necessary?

We often get asked...
  • At what point in my pregnancy should I take a birth class?
  • What kind of birth course is best for me? 
  • What should a birth course cover?
  • Do I really need one if I plan on getting an epidural?

But before we answer those great questions, will you indulge us for a minute? We've gotta get this off our chest first...

The truth of the matter is that when it comes to birth, you don't know what you don't know. And if you're reading this post or listening to the podcast, you're likely the kind of person who wants to be in-the-know! That's awesome because our entire goal is to empower you & give you the skills, confidence, and knowledge necessary before your birth.

Speaking from very personal experience, failing to prepare can often lead to a poor experience, regrets, and then (hopefully!) a fierce determination to make things better the next time! We want to find you and help you before that next time!

Birth is a natural event, but when we moved birth...

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Birth Bag Must NOT Haves


If you're like us, you like to be prepared! However, we've both been guilty of hauling unnecessary items in our birth bag. So! Allow us to share what we think you'll really need when it comes to packing for your birthplace so that you can avoid overpacking.


 1. Diapers & Wipes

Diapering your newborn baby seems like a legitimate concern, right? Especially when you learn that they pee and poo like 12 times a day!, But, there is no need to bring a pack of diapers or wipes because if you're birthing at a hospital- they have you covered! In fact, they usually have really nice diapers for you (Pampers Swaddlers or the equivalent in Huggies). They even send you home with some so you're covered on the ride home too!

2. Games

If you're getting to your birthplace at the right time, you won't have time for card games or video games because when you arrive you should (ideally) be in active labor! That means contractions are...

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How To: Provider Scenarios

Being knowledgeable about something inside of our heads doesn't always translate to a coherent and comfortable response to a provider. Don't stress though! We're going to walk you through some common pregnancy and birth scenarios with providers and help you find and form the response that's right for you!
[3:38] Labor rehearsals are your time to put what you are learning into practice and this is what good rehearsal looks like.
[8:21] The specific questions that make a difference for avoiding induction during COVID
[10:00] Pregnancy Scenario 1: Let's schedule that induction
[13:00] Pregnancy Scenario 2: Moving a due date in the third trimester
[16:20] Birth Scenario 1: In active labor and your well-meaning nurse says to your birth partner "we need to get her into the bed"
[17:57] Birth Scenario 2: Adding meds to the IV without formal consent, but more of a side note
[21:40] Birth Scenario 3: Your nurse picks up a low fetal heart rate.
[25:06] Want more scenarios? Join...
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Do THIS During Contractions

This is probably the #1 thing moms are curious about when that due date starts creeping closer and we are here to tell you that this episode will bring great relief for when you're face-to-face with those contractions! 
[2:54] You WILL feel contractions even if you plan to have an epidural.
[6:50] Knowing how you handle physical pain and emotional discomfort matters for how you will naturally find comfort and work through contractions.
[8:29] You do not have to be religious to connect to something spiritual during your birth experience.
[12:49] Hands-on support is wonderful, but it needs to be practiced and done right.
[15:57] "I've heard breathing like I'm panting is supposed to help me relaxed and stay focus. Is that true?" No. No, it's not.
[17:47] DOULA TIP!
[19:22] Sometimes distraction trumps visualization when it comes to working through contractions.
[25:11] Curious about more you can do to manage contractions during birth?
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Outdated Policies Hurting Your Birth

If you're unaware, there are policies from over 100 years ago still affecting your birth experience right now. The truth is that changes in policy, even when supported by evidence, take a long time to implement and can actually be hurting your birth. We cover the most common ones relevant to you today in this episode!
[3:54] Hospital birth is best for everyone - because it's cleaner and more sterile...right?!
[8:52] Can we please talk about being "overdue?"
[13:50] Don't eat and drink during birth!
[18:05] Time to dilate!
[21:18] Giving birth on your back just makes sense!
[23:43] VBAC is High-Risk - didn't you know?!
[26:11] Cut your perineum! It makes more space and you get some cool stitches too!
[31:52] Stop that flow of blood to baby immediately!
[35:15] Weigh and swaddle right away instead of skin-to-skin. It just makes sense.
[37:34] Ointment up those eyes and vaccinate that baby ASAP!
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Birth: Enneagram Type 9

Ok all of our peacemaking, spiritual, intuitive mamas, this one is for you! We loved recording this episode so much and can't wait to hear birth stories from our Type 9 moms. Having supported this type during birth, we know just how incredible you are when you create the right birth space and press forward with knowledge and confidence.
[2:37] Your Strengths
[9:22] Watch out!
[17:56] Tips for Partner
[21:41] Why you'll love the My Essential Birth Course
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AND if you love all the great birth discussions, tips, and tricks you're hearing, make sure to head over to iTunes and give us a review. It will help other mamas just like...
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